Yakety Sax Makes Anything Funny Landmines

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Watch anything at all with "Yakety Sax" by Boots Randolph playing in the background. Gorefests, rape scenes, 9/11 footage, land mines, Armageddon; doesn't matter. It'll usually be funny. Bonus points if clips are sped up to it.

  • This is one of the possible exceptions to the rule, along with the Holocaust.
    • It gets to the point where it (the 9/11 footage) stops crossing the line and starts to be a sort of cosmic joke. As in, "Hey, look at those stupid humans killing each other again. How amusing." I dunno, it seems like something Nyarlathotep would enjoy.
    • It works in reverse, too, such as The Benny Hill Show credits set to "Lux Aeterna".
  • The Nostalgia Chick does this to bypass a couple of pointless scenes in Labyrinth.
    • Linkara uses it as well when he realises he's been backtracking on his Let's Play of Elite Force.
    • Spoony uses it twice in his Ultima retrospective. He lampshades it the second time by admitting it's beating a Dead Horse Trope.
  • Behold, the BennyHillifier! Just type any YouTube ID (the part following v=) into the box.
  • One scene in AMV Hell 4 involves One Piece, Yackety Sax, and Scooby-Dooby Doors. And a Sight Gag every second. It's every bit as hilarious as it sounds.
  • Hotel Rwanda. Your soul will darken as you try to restrain your laughter.
  • It also remains the only thing one can sensibly have playing during Joker missions in Batman: Arkham Asylum, although that may be more Crossing the Line Twice.
  • Tomers113's Let's Play of Eversion uses said music when dying many, many times on level six.
  • Done excellently here using some of the more amusing (and violent) scenes in Clock Tower.
  • Yakety Sax + Eminem + Doctor Who = Pure Crack
  • The bonus scenes in the animutation Holy Shit, Ninjas! really benefitted from the use of Yakety Sax as it's BGM.
  • ESPN's Dallas radio station introduces the head coach of the Cowboys with this song whenever they cover one of his press conferences, to poke fun at his questionable toughness.
  • Can Yakity Sax make the Nazis funny? You decide!
  • Freelance Astronauts. Shadow Temple. Hilarity ensues.
  • the Instrumentality sequence from The End of Evangelion, with even more soundtrack dissonance!
    • Speaking of which, Evangelion Abridged makes fun of the original series' habit of Soundtrack Dissonance. The NERV personnel makes a combat montage with the first Angel, and one of the guys chooses Yakety Sax for it. He doesn't last.
  • I Wanna Be The Guy gets some kind of atonement thanks to the Hillifier.
  • Occurs in The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron episode "Who Framed Jimmy", when Jimmy, Carl and Sheen are chased by a bear through the woods. At one point, a butler comes out of nowhere and serves Carl a milkshake.
  • A Youtube user played Yakety Sax during you-know-which-scene of Final Fantasy VII. The title counts as a Lampshade Hanging.
  • Left 4 Dead, a game about zombies trying to kill you, becomes less serious and more hilarious when Yakety Sax plays when the Tank or the Witch appear and chase you.
  • Asura's Wrath. Asskicking galore, now with more hilarity.
  • Playing Yakity Sax simultaneously with it makes freaking Eversion's X-8 music sound cheery.
  • Cutler Beckett's death scene from "At World's End," courtesy of the Benny Hillifier. Well, I think it's funny.
  • "Queen of Let's Plays" MangaMinx sometimes uses this during her Let's Play videos of horror games at points where she keeps screwing up and dying in the same segment, accelerating the video speed while it plays until she finally gets through it.
  • "Girl and the Echo". The Music is played during the girl's Trauma Conga Line, and conveys the mood of the bullies.
  • Attempted with the Tear Jerker scene of The Lion King.
  • Robot Chicken had the song playing during Hill's funeral.
  • Scarface [1], The Shining [2], Kill Bill [3], and Alien [4]


Source: https://allthetropes.fandom.com/wiki/Soundtrack_Dissonance/Yakety_Sax

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